Published Works & Appearances by
Memoir Coach Christine Wolf

Outlets in which memoir coach Christine Wolf has been featured and/or published, including CNN, HuffPost Live, The Moth, Chicago Tribune, Mortified, Runner's World, Women's Health, Nevertheless (the documentary), The Obama White House...)

Books by Christine Wolf

Politics, Partnerships, & Power: The Lives of Ralph E. and Marguerite Stitt Church
by Jay Pridmore and Christine Wolf

Politics, Partnerships, & Power: The Lives of Ralph E. and Marguerite Stitt Church (Master Wings Publishing, December 19, 2023) by Jay Pridmore and Christine Wolf

The very first biography of a twentieth century powerhouse couple who, with prescient and persistent methodologies and hearts, gave four decades of legislative service and established much of Illinois’ dedicated political tradition. Spanning everything from their involvement in the creation of Peace Corps to the awkward dance of prohibition in Evanston, with a particular focus on Marguerite Stitt Church’s remarkable legacy as a pioneer for women in government, this historical nonfiction is both a resource and a gripping delight.

Available now from

Bookends & Beginnings (Evanston, IL)
The Book Cellar (Chicago)
The Book Stall (Winnetka, IL)
Women & Children First (Chicago, IL)
East City Bookshop (Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C.)
Powell’s Books (Portland, OR)
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Also available through
Master Wings Publishing
Barnes & Noble
and more…

Politics, Partnerships, & Power: The Lives of Ralph E. and Marguerite Stitt Church (Master Wings Publishing, December 19, 2023) by Jay Pridmore and Christine Wolf

On November. 21st, 2024, I was invited by the United States Capitol Historical Society in Washington, D.C. to speak about the life of Marguerite Stitt Church. Here’s the recording of that talk.

Home for the Holidays, Farnsworth?
Edited by Steve Fiffer and Sharon Fiffer

A holiday collection by The Wesley Writers Workshop

Order on Amazon

Christine Wolf has been Published In/On/At…

Best Life
Chicago Tribune
Chicago Sun-Times
Evanston Review
Evanston Round-Table
Evanston Woman
Invisible Illness
Noteworthy - The Journal Blog (Regional & National)
Pioneer Press
P.S. I Love You
Runners’ World
The Ascent
The Moth (Click here to go to my public speaking page)
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
Women This Way

Christine Wolf in Other Media

Interviewing President Barack Obama and introducing him to my kids during the first-ever Presidential Google+ Hangout (2012):

Evanston Public Library Podcast: The Checkout (2020):

"Christine Wolf, a longtime Evanston resident, describes herself as an author and enterprise journalist. She wasn’t always a writer. She’s previously worked in advertising and spent years teaching. About 15 years ago, she decided to write and jumped in with both feet, often exhibiting a good deal of emotional bravery in the kinds of topics she tackles. In this episode, we talk about her writing path, stories that matter to her, and how she engages the community through a career that is now focused on storytelling and making connections that can make a difference. The Evanston Public Library has played an important role in her writing life.”

The Big Questions Podcast with Robert K. Elder: Christine Wolf on Judgement vs. Opinion (2014):

“Pioneer Press welcomes new columnist Christine Wolf, who talks about what she learned from a social media mistake and the nature of public apologies.”

"SWAGGER: Is it ever too late to help our boys?": An Interview with author/attorney Lisa Bloom (2012):

"This is Mental Illness In America" A Residential Disturbance/911 Recording (2014):

"Moms Push for 'Charlie's Law'": CBS2 Chicago (2017):

How to Write Your Artist’s Statement (a presentation for the Professional Development series for (August 2020)

Christine Wolf As Featured In…

Shoutout Arizona (2023)
A profile piece by Los Angeles based Voyage Group of Magazines’ Shoutout Arizona, a publication focused on small business owners. According to the magazine’s mission, “meaningful conversations are at the heart of community building.  We also think every voice matters and that these conversations shouldn’t be led by billionaires, media elites, or celebrities.  We feel it’s far more relevant to hear from the folks who make up the fabric of our communities – small business owners, mom-and-pops, and independent artists and creatives.”

Nevertheless (2020)
A Documentary Film by Sarah Moshman
"Mother and daughter Juliet and Lilly Bond fought a sexist dress code at their Midwest middle school--and won. When Lilly came home from seventh grade having been “dress coded” for wearing leggings to school, her mom was curious. Upon further inquiry, Juliet Bond discovered that girls were banned from wearing yoga pants or leggings to school because it was “too distracting for the boys.” Juliet wrote a letter to her daughter’s principal calling out the gender bias--and rape culture--at the heart of the policy, and when a friend shared it on social media and a local journalist covered the story on her blog, the story went viral. After student protests and testimony at school board meetings, the district changed its policy.”

“A Kinder, Gentler Dress Code at Evanston High” (2017)
Writing and advocacy efforts cited by Heidi Stevens
Chicago Tribune

The National Council on Crime and Delinquency
Evident Change
Featured Article on Restorative Justice

The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech (2015)
Writing cited by Kirsten Powers

Home for the Holidays, Farnsworth? (2011)
Writing featured in a collection by The Wesley Writers Workshop