All in Speaking

How To Craft Your Artist's Statement

Why is it so overwhelming to write an artist’s statement? How long should my artist’s statement be? What goes into an artist’s statement? What’s the difference between an artist’s bio and an artist’s statement? In this August 2020 presentation to the members of Evanston Made (, I break down the process into manageable chunks so you can identify your unique strengths and describe them in a way to help you connect to your audience — and beyond.

How I Launched My Writing Career From Scratch

You find yourself asking questions like,
“How do I get started?”
“What does it take to write for a living?”
“How do I know if I’m doing things right?”

When I launched my writing career more than 10 years ago, I had those same questions — and more. Through the years, I’ve picked up a ton of tiny tips along the way. Now I’m sharing these tips with you, since a community of writers is better when we all lift each other up.